Stability, Clemente Padin

Stability, Clemente Padin
Stability, Clemente Padin

Things you need to do -Week 6

1. In your blog, summarize what you have found out about the following:

Typography poems

Collage visual poems

2. Read Greg Evason’s essay “Bottles of Strangled Liquid,” LVP, page 274, and respond to it in your blog.

3. Explore the Typography chapter of visual poems in The Last Vispo, from pages 212-265 and comment on a couple that particularly attracted you.

4. Read Petra Backonja’s essay “In Clouds as Yet,” LVP, pg. 269-270, and respond to it in your blog.

5. Read Maria Damon’s essay “flutter: The Page as Cage or Field,” LVP, pg. 271 and respond to it in your blog

6. Explore the Collage chapter of visual poems in The Last Vispo, from pages 276-323, and comment on a couple that particularly caught your eye.

7. Explore the visual poems on this page by: Clemente Padin, derek beaulieu, Nico Vassilakis, John Hollander, John Moore Williams, John M. Bennett, and Juan Osborne and briefly comment on them on your blog.

8. Create a typography poem.

9. Create a collage poem.

derek beaulieu

Toronto Quarterly- What particular theme or message are you trying to convey with your visual poetry?

derek- With these visual poems I concentrate on the smallest particles of language and how they can interact. Each poem allows the particles to dance with each other along the lines of design and shape instead of meaning and definitions. Visual poetry allows the reader to make their own meanings.

derek beaulieu, visual poem

derek beaulieu, visual poem
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Juan Osborne's text portrait, Churchill

Juan Osborne's text portrait, Churchill
Click on image to go to site

John M. Bennett

John M. Bennett
Click on image to go to site

Clemente Padin, Wor(d)ead

Clemente Padin, Wor(d)ead
Click on image to go to site
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